4craf/tg/uys Wikia

What this Project is.[]

The goal of this project is to create a shared canon so that many GMs of various systems can work together to create a greater meta narrative and universe. All adventures are true, but what the truth is might change during the years of Dwarven history. All adventures are welcomed to make a vast shared history of the Clan of Dwarves and the City we all call home.

This wiki is to act as an in universe repository of shared knowledge and deeds so that all may know the Clans greatness.

The Tome of Heros stores the deeds of our greatest warriors and kings.

The Tome of Legends records our many adventures and deeds as a clan and its history.

While the Tome of the World lets young Dwarfs learn more about the world outside the city. Though why a Dwarf would want to leave the city is a sign of the corruption of the youth.


The first city. The original home. Bathed in gold and blood for time untold the birthplace of the Dwarven people is shrouded in myth and very spotty history. Why our founders left we can never know. Stories of fickle gods growing fat in sacrifice and decadence. Requiring greater and greater expense until one day the demands could not be met. Some legends speak of gibbering horrors from beneath the ground swallowing the first example of Dwarven civilization. Or if some tales are to be believed a bar fight involving a farm of some kind. The whys are never important in a good story, only that by leaving our Founders would go on to form the Clan and City that would seek to rival Aztlan and all other peoples of the underground.

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